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Forgotten username or password

 Forgotten your account login credentials? Follow these simple steps and you’ll be back online in no time. 

Click on My Account at the top of this page, or "Forgotten your username/password?" from the login screen.

Forgotten Username:

  1. Click Forgotten username, enter the email address you used to register, then click Submit.

  2. You will receive an email containing your Username.


Forgotten Password:

  1. Click Forgotten Password, enter your Username and click Submit:



  1. You will then be asked if you would like to receive a reset token by Email or Text message. Please note, this will be sent to the email address or phone number you used to register.
    Once you have chosen, click Submit:
    Do not close this page yet


  1. Enter the reset token you receive into the Password Token field and click Submit:
    The token is not a temporary password and must only be entered in this field


  1. You will now be able to set your new password:


  1. Finally, you'll get a confirmation message, and be able to log in with your username and new password.


If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the form below.

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